Isn't this the guy who recycled GCN for like 10 years, being solely responsible for AMD's obsolete GPUs becoming completely uncompetitive with Nvidia (until they finally got rid of him).
Maybe this is a case of him failing upward, because his career so far doesn't suggest he has the slightest idea how to develop a new product, especially not a GPU. He's the kind of uncreative guy who seems more qualified to head up the skylake refresh refresh refresh refresh on 14nm+++++++++. This promotion probably comes with a bigger golden parachute. That might not the best business decision for Intel to make while they are trying to open new markets and struggling to retake the lead in their golden goose server CPUs.
It's easy to bash Raja at AMD (especially after Vega), but he was the primary architect (among a team of others) of Navi/RDNA, which ironically enough, was AMD's return to competitiveness. Architects, inventors, and engineers are often working on products 2-4 years ahead of retail (from conceptualization to working silicon samples).
AMD's lean years were rough. Consoles and dwindling PC market share barely kept them afloat. Raja had two stints at ATI/AMD from 2001-2009, then 2013-2017. VLIW2 RDNA ("Super SIMD") was patented in 11/2016. Vega's SoC design with Infinity Fabric was apparently difficult, but that also laid the groundwork for RDNA's on-chip network. GCN1 hit retail in 2012. Raja returned around the time of 2013 GCN2 (Hawaii), then was around for: 2014
/2015 GCN3 (Tonga/Fiji), 2015's mess of GCN1-2 rehashes, 2016 GCN4 (Polaris), 2017 GCN5 (Vega). So, no, not 10 years.
Vega's ultimate failure was its power consumption and primitive shaders that were touted, but never delivered. Worse yet, the whitepaper listed 17x geometry culling speedup was likely a very specific case in SPECperf or 3D rendering application (not gaming). RDNA's geometry culling improved by 2x over GCN via primitive shaders, not unobtainium 17x. So, yeah, overpromising and failing to deliver features didn't help his case.
AMD also had to get rid of Raja because he kept wanting RTG sold to Intel, which was never going to happen. There were also rumors that he and Dr. Su butted heads more often than not, though that can't really be confirmed.