Ibreakthings :
But all in all i could get a Hyper 212 and the QX9650 on ebay for 100$
I think on the 212+ with arctic cooling fans on it and 4 case fans i think i could push 3.6 or 3.8 would there but a difference in speed at all?
I overclocked my Q9550 to 4ghz with believe it or not a Xigmatek S1283 running 2 110cfm cooling fans, back then I would have loved to have had a QX9650 as overclocking it would have been so much simpler.
I would like to share my concerns in that it is not just the CPU, whether it is an unlocked multiplier CPU or not, the rest of the overclocking hardware is very important in reaching your goals.
You have got to keep any overclock as cool as possible or your CPU will be throttling to protect itself, many wave their overclocking flags and brag until they run benchmarks and discover the performance is better without the overclock.
Because the CPU is internally throttling to protect itself it is like a school bus with a built in speed governor, except difference being, if you can keep the CPU cool enough you can operate below the governors activation point.
When the CPU throttles to protect itself your end resulting performance is less than it should be.
That said cooling is imperative to any overclocking.
You do realize that anyone that initially bought a QX9650, probably bought it initially to overclock it, so you may be getting a crippled CPU, you need to think about that, you could be buying someones problem!
However if you are determined to do it, then let us know how it goes?