[SOLVED] Intel Rapid Store Technology (IRST) Question


I thought that IRST was a thing of the past. It was an available download for a Z68 motherboard I used to have back in the day. One of the neat features of IRST back then was the ability to take a 60GB or smaller SSD and use it as a persistent cache to the main drive for fast booting and fast access to one's everyday programs. Looking at some 300-seies boards today, I see that IRST is again offered as a motherboard download utility. Is that "SSD caching" feature still part of IRST's repertoire? Or has it been eliminated?
I think it has been updated to include optane memory as the high speed cache. with the advent of low cost SSDs caching to an SSD is not as pretty as it used to be. intels optane keep it relevant.

I use dataplex software that came with my crucial adrenaline still.
I think it has been updated to include optane memory as the high speed cache. with the advent of low cost SSDs caching to an SSD is not as pretty as it used to be. intels optane keep it relevant.

I use dataplex software that came with my crucial adrenaline still.
Thanks. Did you mean uodated "to include" or "to replace" the SSD as a cache function?