News Intel Snipes at Apple in New 'Go PC' Ads

As a fellow dual citizen, I see these and all I can think is "It's the operating system stupid". That being said, I am looking forward to the new Mac designs based on AS that are not compromised by Intel design limitations.
This is GOOD. ALL marketing sites have been homegnizing PC and Mac... When they are mutually exclusive things (stop before you argue and think, you cant call Macs PCs, and it is exemplified by looking at it vice versa). Good to see Intel (*design limitations lol, M1 is RisC we will be counting things it CAN do, vs cant compared to a pc forever) taking this stance already!

All we have to do is establish that PC and Mac are not the same, and we will see Apple fade away even more.
eGPU, touchscreen, multiple monitors aren't available on M1? Why not? Is there some limitation of the M1 processor that prevents these?

The m1 will prove to be a very limited processor, sans the Mac world which will have custom tailored software for it. The processor and its "speed" literally mean nothing to 95 percent of the world, and never will.

*and its APPLE preventing those features. They are behind a paywall that hasnt been shown yet, mark my words. Bookmark this page and call me out if it doesnt cost extra money for those functions.
Despite all these marketing, I really don't think they are doing any damage to Apple. A lot of people are buying Apple products because the brand itself is the attraction. It is probably true that the M1 chip is not as good as an Intel Tiger Lake for example, but its not that bad either when you consider not many people will be using it for processor intensive purpose.
The thing I hate about apple is their push to capture the minds of children by heavily discounting macs to schools.

"How could you not like a tech company practically giving away PCs to schoolchildren?! You monster!"

The part that sucks is when these kids grow up using Macs all through school and then come out into the real world where 99% of everything runs on Windows and they're just helplessly lost. Its been getting worse in the last 5 years or so. We have pretty nice laptops assigned to everyone and they do the job quite well. Usually it's a point of pride when a kid fresh out of school gets their shiny new badge and laptop. Usually there's a moment of "holy crap! I'm really an engineer now!" that goes on.

Lately I've been met with "ewww, can I get a Mac one instead?" or when handing them their new company provided galaxy phone "how do you work this?? I use an iPhone". If it were up to me, I would fire them on the spot. Rules rules rules.
¯\(ツ)/¯. I can understand them wanting Apple phones and Macs. There is a reason that they love them and that is because their ecosystem is kept nice and clean by Apple so everything works together and they don’t have compatibility issues and stupid hardware issues in all kinds of things. Frankly I am surprise more businesses don’t standardize on Apple products

I love my iPhones and I won’t have anything less I can’t be bothered with stuff that doesn’t work in the field. You seem to be like my brother, he hates Apple because they are successful.

PCs and Android phones are like living in The Wild West. Anything goes
¯\(ツ)/¯. I can understand them wanting Apple phones and Macs. There is a reason that they love them and that is because their ecosystem is kept nice and clean by Apple so everything works together and they don’t have compatibility issues and stupid hardware issues in all kinds of things. Frankly I am surprise more businesses don’t standardize on Apple products

I love my iPhones and I won’t have anything less I can’t be bothered with stuff that doesn’t work in the field. You seem to be like my brother, he hates Apple because they are successful.

PCs and Android phones are like living in The Wild West. Anything goes
Apple is very nice for people who will gladly pay extra for a toaster with a single knob.
Yeah,if you read it twice you might get my actual meaning.
People who can't learn the way a computer works or who will pay a lot for a nice looking smartphone that they will use like a glorified flip phone are Apple's bread and butter.
I'll do actual work without paying a premium for paywall-blocked features on a Xiaomi phone and a Linux laptop meanwhile.
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Maybe you should stop judging others because none of what you said is true. My iPhone is a handheld computer and does lots of useful work things so I have no idea what you’re talking about you just hate Apple because they’re successful and you wish you could fire everybody that doesn’t like PCs I get it

I can remote into any box at work and do actual real work from my phone
Maybe you should stop judging others because none of what you said is true. My iPhone is a handheld computer and does lots of useful work things so I have no idea what you’re talking about you just hate Apple because they’re successful and you wish you could fire everybody that doesn’t like PCs I get it

I can remote into any box at work and do actual real work from my phone
I had a couple iPhones a few years ago. I had to jailbreak them to get:
  • A bash terminal
  • External keyboard support
  • Modem use and WiFi access point
  • A functional imap client
  • The possibility to copy and play music through USB
  • And a brower that used something other than Safari as a rendering engine.
Meanwhile, my Xiaomi Miphone gave me all that with a couple free downloads at worst, with HDMI out on top of that.
At a quarter of the price, and said phone got actual support for 5 years - no nerfing to push me to buy a new one after 18 months.
So yeah - keep "working" with your iPhone, if all you do is send emails that don't need delivery notifications.
I need to do actual work meanwhile.
I don't know what's with the touchscreen fetish. At least I don't want any touchscreen on my laptop. Got smartphones it's ok.

My laptop has one and I've used it exactly once when I first got it. "Ooh that's neat" and then never again.

¯\(ツ)/¯. I can understand them wanting Apple phones and Macs. There is a reason that they love them and that is because their ecosystem is kept nice and clean by Apple so everything works together and they don’t have compatibility issues and stupid hardware issues in all kinds of things. Frankly I am surprise more businesses don’t standardize on Apple products

I love my iPhones and I won’t have anything less I can’t be bothered with stuff that doesn’t work in the field. You seem to be like my brother, he hates Apple because they are successful.

PCs and Android phones are like living in The Wild West. Anything goes

Yes, that's exactly the point. Anything goes. Which means out in the real world where you need a custom application that does a dedicated function on a slab of niche hardware, you can do that. We had a machine once that used Apple servers for image processing. It was the worst hunk of junk ever. It broke down at least 10 times a day. A $15M inspection tool hobbled by a crappy choice of compute hardware. Ever since the vendor upgraded to a windows based system we have months of uptime in a stretch.
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The m1 will prove to be a very limited processor, sans the Mac world which will have custom tailored software for it. The processor and its "speed" literally mean nothing to 95 percent of the world, and never will.

I NEED to run Windows, natively, and really don't care what the processor is as long as it works.

IMO Apple very arrogantly gave up Boot Camp (the best of both words) for their own chips, thinking phone apps on the desktop (which nobody needs!) would carry the day.

The Mac needed AMD more than it needed ARM, and Apple has made a significant misstep. The fastest chips and sexiest hardware mean nothing if 90% of the world can't use them. And if Apple thinks they just swagger in and take over the desktop (even with a better product) they might want to remember everything since Lisa....
I totally want to buy buy an IMAC PRO for 13K right now. No. Not really.

A Mackbook Pro at 5000 USD?


Yeah $9K for a Mac Pro when I built my Ryzen rig for $3K and I have the same number of cores, same amount of RAM, 4TB of SSD space, an RTX 3080, and I built it all for literally a third of what I priced out the Mac Pro for? No thanks.