Intel su7300 or su9600? $300 Difference


Jul 15, 2004
I'm considering buying a touchscreen tablet today and I have the choice of:

Intel core2 duo su7300 1.3 MHz, 800 MHz FSB with 512 Mobility Radoen HD 4550 graphics


Intel core2 duo su9600 1.6 MHz, 800 MHz FSB with same graphics

They want $275 to upgrade from the 7300 to the 9600. Is it worth it? Will I see that much difference? I plan to run every day stuff mail/browsing etc., iTunes, CD/DVD ripping and converting of movies and music, some light photoshop work like some drawing and photo editing, maybe light Web graphics. I may do some gaming if the tablet will handle it, like SimCity or something, but it's not the main use. If the 1.6 MHz would make a huge difference in gaming I'd like to know. I will be running Dragon Naturally Speaking or the Microsoft speech recognition to control many of the PCs operation, dictating e-mails, controlling the browser, etc. So that would probably be running most of the time as well as whatever tasks I'm doing.

This is a touch/pen enabled tablet with 4 GB of RAM and win7.

Anyone to give an opinion? Thanks in advance
It will make a difference, but not a huge one. I'd question whether it's worth $275, but that depends on how much you care about the processor-limited performance. The main things it would improve out of your list would be the converting of movies and music, as well as a slight improvement on the photoshop. Games would gain somewhat too.

As I said above, the difference isn't huge though.
The Intels would probably be slower (both of them). Those are SU series CPUs, which are in Intel's ultra low power line. They sacrifice performance in favor of low power usage.

They would use quite a bit less power than your Turion, and run quite a bit cooler, but they would not be faster.