Sorry, but, there's nothing revolutionary here. I applaud them for thinking that a name change is a completely different category, but, Call a Dodge Charger with a lighter body a Dodge Mega Capacitor, and it's still a Charger. As previously commented, I'd love to see battery life extended in laptops. THAT would be something worth getting. And, no, I don't mean surfing the web, basic word processing, I mean a gaming style laptop that could last a good 6-8 hours while gaming. I know the video card companies have to step-up Power efficiency, but, AMD's already on it's way. Intel: Give me a laptop that has a decent quad-core power, and 5770 Graphics (atleast) with an average of 7hrs+ battery life while being used, and you'll have a great product. Until then, just like in the graphics category, you're just playing catch-up.