Intel v.s AMD

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Mar 16, 2013

I know many people would love to have an all out 'battle' with this kind of subject, so this thread is just for that. It would be great if a Moderator could sticky this. I feel that we need at least one thread to let our true feelings go. This is coming from the fact that "AMD Steamroller Speculation... and Expert Conjecture" is really starting to get off topic with more of a 'battle' going on.

Just to put it out there, I favor Intel a little more, as I can get those higher end CPUs that AMD has no match against (3930k, the Extreme Series, etc.). I do not hate AMD however. If I wanted to get an AMD machine to render and edit video, there would be no backing away.

Have fun!

We already have enough of this intel vs. AMD on this forum and facilitating a flame war is certainly not the answer. All it does is call out the trolls and fan boys and pump them up to continue their argument in posts where it is not acceptable or helpful to the OP. Intel and AMD both have their practical place within a given budget where one brand or the other will be a logical choice. Please do not double post, Thanks.
Sorry about the double post, it must have registered twice by accident.

I would like to say that this thread was made to "distract" or "retain" the 'trolls' and 'fanboys' into a comfortable place for 'flame war'. This is really just to get rid of them (at least try to), from the regular forums that the logical people are on. For example, the stickied AMD Steamroller thread has gone off topic with trollers and fanboys many times. It's better to give them a place to have their fun so we, the people who actually know what were talking about, can have a sense of peace.

Plus it would be fun to join in, wouldn't you say?
lol amd sucks because intel is better cmi87 is wrong we need to use circular reasoning to demonstrate our logical thoughts and i chooped of my arm to bui an i6 6 cor eprocessor it was the best investlement of my career as a window watc her ht is better because it is stonger than cores and amd cores if you dont buy intel your stupid i compared my fx 8320 to my i2 and my i2 was like do you even lift bro then I was like yoloswag
Let me answer this question.

Costs more/Does more
More efficient
Better performance
"Program Proof" (runs all programs efficiently)

Cheaper/Does less (but equal in some aspects)
Equal performance in gaming ^
Price for performance!

What I'm trying to say is, AMD has one goal:
Make PC gaming available to everybody because PC's are expensive.
Intel doesnt care if you can afford it or not, they make their processors to perform without question. AMD designs their processors for gaming.

If you want a PC that will do ANYTHING, you want intel. If you are just going to game (Call of Duty, BF3/4, Womb Raider, Far Cry 3) then you want AMD and I can promise you that. Now if you are into hardcore simulation like Flight Simulators or games that will be doing some major physics calculations then Intel might be the better choice for you.

But as I said AMD designs for gaming and mostly gaming to keep price down, Intel designs for all of the above but will cost you a lot more. That's why you see 8 core CPUs from AMD, because Game Developers want more cores.
Here's to hoping this thread doesn't get shut down by flame-baiters and trolls. If it doesn't this should be one h*** of a ride.

@griptwister Were you drunk when you wrote that?
I simply, took every educated post on this forum, and summed it up. The only thing missing from that was, "My friends i7 3770k runs at 1c under full load playing bf3." LOL!

>.> I see what you did there. Lol, funny you remember that ^_^ It ran at like 45 under full load, but I was surprised it was that low. 😛

That more or less right. AMD uses slightly cheaper materials to make their CPUs, and the percore performance is ~ just less than half of Intel. That's why an 8-core FX-8350 ~ = an 4-core i5-3570k, with the i5 at a lower clock. AMD is more for the big video editor , server runner (if you're doing personal ~ small servers), and tight budget builder. That's why, since I have the money and I'll be video rendering / editing / re-encoding, and gaming, I'm getting a 3930k. And plus, if you know some code, you can get some games to use all the cores. ^_^
I'm an individual. I don't like my life clinging to some Corporate Culture. I don't seek unity with others through a product brand we happen to have purchased. It is an absurd concept to me.

I have varying needs and an innate sense of curiosity. Experimenting with various technological solutions has always been much more appealing to me. If I chose a brand I'd be limiting my choices in this endeavor.
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