Intel vs AMD Build....Component Suggestion Thread


Mar 28, 2014
Intel Build

AMD Build

I know this is kind of an unfair comparison and I probably shouldnt have even made this thread but I wanted to see what others would say about both the amd and intel build posted above and also if there is anything I should change with the builds. I believe nothing much should be changed with either because both of these builds have been through a few other threads with other peoples, and experts opinions on quality to performance and price to performance parts BUT I am still up for opinions and suggestions that might be able to make the 2 builds cheaper without any performance loss also I DO NOT want to take off any of the extras. change them for cheaper similar parts maybe but not take them off

Both are exactly the same builds apart from the cpu and the mobo

mostly gaming but if I decide to go to college for PCs or Games I might need it for 3d Rendering and or Virtualization Which I am actually thinking really hard on because I love computers almost as much as I love life HaHa
Lil, the intel build is simply superior.
Is this for gaming? if so, go with the i5 4690k, way cheaper and only about 2-3fps loss in games.
As for the mobo, get the cheapest 100 dollar z97 with sli available, it does not affect performance.
if you go to college something like in 3 years, you will need yet a new system then 😛.

AMDs are good multi-core/thread alternatives which only video editting, 3d rendering, virtualization benefits from. They are not good at single core performance.

i5s are not so good for multi core/thread, but they are great single core performers, current games benefit better from this.

i7 are the best of both worlds... but they are also very expensive. And they perform single core just as good as i5, but are a lot better than AMDs at multi core.

I would go for i5 4690K... but if you join college like within a year... I would go i7 then :)

I might end up SLI ing the gtx 970s later on down the line so I kinda need a mobo that has the 2 PCIe 3.0 X16 I know that there are ones out there that have 2 PCIe 3.0s x16/x4 but I did some research and alot of people were saying that there is a performance drop with that. Thats why I want the x16/x16 so when I do sli they will run at x8/x8 which at this moment in technology does not have a drop in performance between them. Maybe when tech gets better with better drivers the 2 gtx 970s will have a better utilization of x16/x16

I will be going to college around july this year
alright. Then go with the one you found if its cheaper on newegg. You should need a 750w psu (considering you want to sli later on).
I can recommend evga 750 b2 version! b1 isn't good!, pretty much anything from seasonic or antec hgc line and corsair (except for vs and cx series)

I already have a EVGA SuperNOVA 750 B2 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified 750W on both builds
alright so is there any more parts I can change out that make the builds cheaper without a performance loss besides the case unless there is a full tower atx case that comes with a side window as big or bigger than the phantom 630 window edition I like the 3 speed fan control and 10 port fan hub inside of it also. I will be needing a multi fan hub for the 4 case fans but I dont have to have a fan speed controller