Intel VS. AMD (This never ends)


Nov 17, 2013
I have a decision between an Intel CPU and an amd one.
the purpose of the system is mainly gaming, i am not going to render any 3D stuff.
my budget is fair and i can buy an i5 4690 but is there any amd cpu that is better in performance than intel and doesn't cost more.
i heard about amd heating more than intel and has more errors that all so is an important factor in my choice as i am in a hot country and i don't want my CPU to melt.
please do not offer me CPU's URLs as i have different stores and different prices but i think the proportion of the prices is the same.
Yes, the clear answer is that there is no AMD CPU that can compete with the i5-4690 from a performance standpoint (especially for a gaming system). When you're going for performance the current leader is Intel. At the moment AMD can only compete in the low-end to mid-range segment.
don't flame please i personally don't have a favorite company i just want a good cpu.
and i heard considering the speed of amd and the amount of core intel can process more commands each tick meaning its twice as faster overall than amd

You're hilarious. Synthetic benchmarks mean nothing in terms of real-world performance. There isn't a single AMD CPU that can compete in gaming with an i5 4690.
Intel has a clear advantage when it comes to single threaded apps. Also intel cpus are more efficient per clock cycle. Not to mention they are better in the power department too.

Amds only advantage comes from offering 8 true cores. Ubfortunately no game is threaded well enough to take advantage of it . This is why Amd cpus are priced so aggressively.

Intel is better then AMD. If your going to argue about budget builds then it becomes a case by case situtation on which would be better.

Intel fanboy or not, I will choose whichever offers the most performance. At the time I built my computer, it was the i5-4670k and it trounces your 8350. Devil's Canyon runs cooler, OCs further, and is just generally faster. Your links mean nothing, absolutely nothing. Even if you were to come at me with proper benchmarks, you'd realize a vast majority of them compare the 8350 to Ivy Bridge's i5-3570k. We're what, two generations past IB? Intel has only gotten faster.

Please do your research before you embarass yourself.
Intel pumps more performance, but you pay for this performance.
AMD offers more cores at a cheaper price, but they are weaker.

That is the simple way of explaining it. If you have the money for Intel, it will beat the AMD lineup. On a budget AMDs performance to price cant be beat.
Intel is overall better. For gaming, It absolutely owns AMD CPUs. Even an overclocked AMD will find it a challenge to compete with a locked i5 in terms of gaming.

For a lot of VM (virtual machine) and multi-tasking, AMD has a slight edge, but the performance increase is really minor.

All the benchmark tests that @markuskong posted do not correlate to gaming so they're meaningless per this thread.
Still highly depends on the game, but I'd kind of argue with that. The new i3-4360 and an OC'd Pentium G3258 are looking to be real top performers... especially over that of the AMD lineup. But again, that highly depends on the usage of the system.

Glad you can laugh at yourself. If you have nothing meaningful to contribute, then don't.

Not mad. I own an Intel, what about you? You've been told you're wrong by at least 5 people, and instead of trying to stubbornly prove your (incorrect) point, you just resort to UMADBRO? Grow up.
Lol you guys are so funny. Love forums! Brings out the best of us. Anyways, the answer is chosen so I am done. No need to spend time arguing behind a computer screen as you guys keep coming back to do that. Enjoy!~

There was actually very little arguing on your part. Maybe come back to this forum when you actually grow up? Oh wait. That probably won't happen. So better yet, just don't come back.