Intel vs Intel CPU


Dec 24, 2014
Okay so should I buy the i5 3570k or the i7 3770k I want a fast cpu without breaking the budget of around 270 dollars and im gonna buy which one i buy used so I already know the dangers of used cpus.
Well the Hyper Threading can help a little, so if you can afford it the 3770 would probably be the best and cheapest option. Otherwise buying a new Mobo would cost >$270 for a new CPU and the Mobo. In the case of upgrading the Mobo, I would opt for a socket 1150 Mobo and CPU, but that would generally cost >$450-550 (i7 4790k & z97 Mobo).

On the low end of CPU/Mobo for a Hyper Threading no OC'ing machine:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($246.79 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-GAMING 3 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($47.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $294.77
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when...
The 3570k is plenty for a gaming build. The 3770k has the Hyper Threading and can have some benefits other than gaming, so it has more growing room than the 3570k. If you have access to the newer CPU's the 4690k is the newer version of the 3570k and the 4790k is the newer version of the 3770k.

If you want the Hyper Threading, but are going to not Overclock the CPU and are going to have a dedicated GPU, the Xeon E3-1231 V3 is basically the i7 w/out the integrated GPU on it.

If you have a list of all of your parts, maybe we can help assist you with tweaking the build for the best performance for the $.

Okay heres my build.
i3 3220
GT 640
1tb hardrive
Alienware X51 mobo this mobo is the one that ran the 3770k as advertised on there website back in 2012.
500w psu evga
same with the cpu heatsink the same that came on the i7.
I see HERE that the BIOS updated to A03 will support the i5 3450/i7 3770 and 1600 mHz RAM.

Notes from the chat:
A03 =
1. Add the uEFI PXE Lan
2. Updated Microcode to 4.6.0_INTEL_MICROCODE_34 to support IVB CPU
3. Change Intel ME firmware to ME8 8
4. Updated VBIOS to snd_2132_D1.dat
5. No BIOS error message of keyboard by default

Memory =
66GKY 8GB 1600MHz, 512X64, 8, 240, 2RX8
VT8FP 4GB 1600MHz, 256X64, 8, 240, 2RX8
H7JD8 8GB 1333MHz, 1GX64, 8, 240, 2RX8
P382H 4GB 1333MHz, 512X64, 8, 240, 2RX8
1N7HK 2GB 1333MHz, 128X64, 8, 240, 1RX8
G8NT0 2GB 1333MHz, 128X64, 8, 240, 1RX8

JJ8D9 Ivy Bridge i7-3770 Quad Core, 3.40GHz, 8MB, 77W, E1
JN8M2 Ivy Bridge i5-3450 Quad Core, 3.10GHz, 6MB, 77W, E1
706FY SandyBridge i7-2600 Quad Core, 3.40GHz, 8MB, D2 (Order for WXGXH)
F6KN0 SandyBridge i5-2320 Quad Core, 3.00GHz, 6MB, 95W, D2 (Order for 828RD)
972H5 SandyBridge i3-2120, 3.30GHz, 3MB, 65W, Q0 (Order for J72KD)

I'm not sure the BIOS would support OC'ing with the 3770k, but the 3770 should be supported with a BIOS update (if you haven't already updated it). The 3770 would be the best that you could put in that setup, but the i5 3450 CPU would be just fine too for 99% of situations.

I have a04 bios update.

So I can not use the i7 3770k?

Is it worth to buy a diffrent used lga 1155?
To be honest, the difference between the 3770 and the 3770k is only the OC'ing option on the 3770k. Plus you have to keep in mind that the Mobo probably won't support OC'ing the CPU, so it really isn't worth the upgrade to the 3770k, IMHO.

Personally I'd buy the i5 3450 and use the extra $ for other upgrades. The 3770 is nice and all, but unless you need the HT for other uses, it isn't really any different in performance than the i5.

Im playing games, started streaming a couple weeks ago, I sometimes render so?
Well the Hyper Threading can help a little, so if you can afford it the 3770 would probably be the best and cheapest option. Otherwise buying a new Mobo would cost >$270 for a new CPU and the Mobo. In the case of upgrading the Mobo, I would opt for a socket 1150 Mobo and CPU, but that would generally cost >$450-550 (i7 4790k & z97 Mobo).

On the low end of CPU/Mobo for a Hyper Threading no OC'ing machine:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($246.79 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-GAMING 3 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($47.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $294.77
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-13 02:27 EDT-0400

There will be no way ill be able to go to lga 1150. Ill go for the i7 3770 for around 235 is that a good deal and would this cpu be good for the next 3 or 4 years.

Okay good shoud i buy a r9 270 aswell because im trying to build a mid to high setting pc running at 45+fps

Im going to crossfire the r9 270 and get performance of a r9 290x. Im basically trying to build a budget "overkill" pc but really i dont find a i7 and 2x r9 270 overkill I classify overkill as x4 titan x

I find more of a titan x x2 usally a crossfire of a op card.

Whats your set up i7 considering your name is i7 so im guessing killer. But most people ive met on pc have nothing over an i5?