It would be more worrying if intel would out of spite build FABs for old nodes just to not buy them from tsmc...maybe they could look into getting them from glofo.
People aren't tsmc users out of fandom, they don't use them because they love them, so IFS just has to be as reliable, cheap, and yield-y , even just the ballpark and not even just as good.
Throw in the tariffs and now many companies are restricted in how much product they can get out of tsmc, even more than before, and tsmc will have the US expenses that will increase their prices even more, again.
TSMC US is booked out into late 2027, what do you think will these companies do that can only get orders in for 2028 and later?!
They are going to wait three years for their products to become obsolete just because they don't want to use intel?!