MasterYster :
Hey guys. Just asking what you guys think who will take the six core battle. Intel took the the single core's with their p4
What? P4s couldn't compete with the Athlons of the time (OK, so early P4s were OK, but as time went on, AMD became a much better choice than Intel for single cores).
MasterYster :
and everyone thought that intel was king till AMD owned intel in dual cores.
Again, not so fast. AMD beat the Pentium Ds, but Intel's Core 2 Duos absolutely FLATTENED the dual core Athlons when they came out.
MasterYster :
The intel destroys AMD in the quad-core battles.
True for the most part, although the Phenom II is a darn good choice for the money. Intel gets the crown for pure speed though.
MasterYster :
This is starting to look like a pattern....... Anyway just feel free to say your opinions. AND JUST BECAUSE I DON'T REPLY TO A THREAD 5 MINUTES LATER DOSEN'T MEAN I'M STARTING A FLAME WAR. *Ahem *ahem -" Gtx 380 to own ATI?"
As far as the hexacores go, AMD doesn't have anything coming out soon that will match Gulftown. Bulldozer is intriguing, but it is also a ways off.