Question Intel XTU reporting thermal throttling when there is no thermal throttling


Jul 29, 2014
My razor blade 14 has a core I7 7700 HQ. The graph in intel XTU states that in any program game or stress test that I run, it is always thermal throttling under load. Even at 79 to 81C across all of the four cores. I just need some clarification as to the validity of this. Is it just a glitch in the software, or a malfunction in one of the temperature sensors? Or is it actually thermal throttling and killing my Potential performance?
My razor blade 14 has a core I7 7700 HQ. The graph in intel XTU states that in any program game or stress test that I run, it is always thermal throttling under load. Even at 79 to 81C across all of the four cores. I just need some clarification as to the validity of this. Is it just a glitch in the software, or a malfunction in one of the temperature sensors? Or is it actually thermal throttling and killing my Potential performance?
I have the same issue with a pair of X5660's. They aren't overclocked and never go above 60C but the thermal throttling warning in xtu is always on. Sadly this causes them to never hit the turbo boost and even with the pair I'm stuck at slower speeds than my old i7-870. Looking into a fix currently.