Intel's Sandy Bridge Architecture Exposed

Sandy Bridge is Intel’s 2011 performance mainstream architecture refresh. It won’t take the place of the 6-core Gulftown based Core i7 processors at the top of the charts, but it’ll occupy the competitive space below it. The value segments won’t see Sandy Bridge until 2012. The first CPUs will ship very early in 2011 for both desktops and notebooks


More news from Intel and Sandy :sol:
Yeah, saw that and noticed the "10 - 30%" IPC improvement over Westmere. IIRC people here got excited when Core2 showed 25% IPC improvement over K8, so if this is anywhere near accurate, then Intel seems to have pulled another magic rabbit out of its hat.

Also saw in another AT article that the 22nm Ivy Bridge is coming 2H of next year - "Earlier in the keynote, we heard that Ivy Bridge is making its way through the fabs now with production scheduled for 2H 2011".
Did you guys see the stock heatsink (left)?!?!?


It's insanely small! I seriously doubt this would allow for any good OC on stock fan....
^ Actually I thought I saw the Empire State Bldg in the picture background, which would make it insanely huge :p.

Just kiddin' - it does look pretty small. Hopefully the fan doesn't buzz at 10,000 rpm either, unlike my NB fan on my 680i mobo.



What makes you think Intel won't throw in a different heatsink for that, you know extra [strike]nickel and diming[/strike]... I mean value.

That also means that for those OCers in us all that what makes Nehalem and Westmere run nice and cool while being OCed high will probably cool SB even better.

I wonder if this means higher OCs for air and liquid cooling systems....... :eek:


From things alluded to in Anaands articles, I believe this sort of o/c will be available.
They are making a 2600K and a 2600.
3.4- full turbo 3.8
IMO, they will let the m/b manufactures in bios allow the selection of that multi that gives the full turbo speed. Allowing the user to have 3.8 in all cores , all the time, regardless of tdp hit.
The K's will be unlocked obviously.
I wish they could bring back 1/2 multi's :)

True, but it also means people will have to buy new HSFs :p No more stock heatsinks! Hey, I'm not complaining.... I'v NEVER used a stock fan for a CPU (except for using a LGA 775 Pentium D stock fan on a E6600 ;P )

True, but since I'd never use a stock HSF anyways, I'm fine with that.

Hmm, even if Intel did use a larger heatsink, it looks to be aluminum (or aluminium as the Brits love to misspell it :D). So my guess is an extra nickel. If it were nickle, it would cost an extra dime :p.