Interesting read


Jan 17, 2002
I found this pdf on the net the other day, from the Smoothwall website. It's an intro to their firewall distribution, but the interesting bit is the preface. Folks new to the Linux world might find it explains some aspects of the Linux community...

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

BTW, anyone here had experience with the different firewall distros available? Eg Mandrake 7.2 SNF, or Smoothwall, etc.
I have been using smoothwall for about 8-9 months. IMNSHO it is a great firewall. After a 20mb iso download ... 486/16mb ram/100mb hd/2-3 nicks and you are done. No I have not tested the others .. this one worked so well ... why bother.
And I am a mandrake (desktop) user ... but the smoothie ... is just awesume.

That's reassuring. It looks like I'll be going with Smoothwall... I need a DMZ, and Mandrake 7.2 SNF doesn't seem to support them out of the box.