Intergrated gpu vs dedicated


Apr 28, 2010
So I finally got around to building a newer low budget system.

Windows 10 64bit
Msi b150 mortar motherboard
Intel i3 6100 skylake processor
16gb ram
Corsair 850w psu
120gb ssd
Corsair 780t case

The intergrated hd 530 graphics are pretty good for intergrated. But I'm looking for something to hold me over till I can get a 6700k processor and maybe a Gtx 1060. I don't do like hardcore ultra setting gaming. Mostly just like skyrim and online mmorpgs. I have a friend that has 2 Gtx 560s reference cards that he would sell me for $60. Is a Gtx 560 much stronger then the Intel 530? I play at 1080p and the hd 530 struggles on some titles at low settings. I figured even tho the 560 is old it would be dedicated with its own vram. So that may help a lot plus it's on a 256bit bus. Not sure what the Intel 530 runs on but I know it's all shared. Just wanting to know if 60 is a good price for the pair of 560s?

well if it works for you then go for it. its a temporary card so why not.
You might be able to find used 750Ti or even GTX950 for not much more that.

I think I sold my GTX580 for about $75 each earlier this year and that would do better then a pair of 560.

You might be able to get a GTX670 or GTX760 relatively cheap as well. Not to mention R9-280/7950 and the like.

Last time I checked they wasn't selling 760 anymore...
A person looking to buy GTX 560s is certainly looking at used components. You can't buy new retail 750Ti for $50 either... they are around $80.

They don't make 750Ti anymore either, basically been superseded by the GTX950. (That may also be out of production, would have to look into that. I know GM104 and GM100 are done.)
I asked him if I could try the cards out before I bought them. He brought me them both and he told me they were 560 non ti. But they are actually 560 ti. Says 560 ti on the model on each card so.
On the Intel hd 530 I was running lowest settings on riders of Icarus on 1080 res at 30-34 fps. With one Gtx 560 ti I turned the graphics up to the maximum at 1080p res and the fps goes over 63fps and caps with vsync. The game death trap I had set to lowest settings at 1080p res and it wasn't playable only running at 22-24fps. With one 560ti I'm able to put it on ultra settings at 1080p res with anti aliasing on and it hits 50-60+ fps. So far it's a million times better and works amazing for the games I play. I'm going to try to talk him down to 50 for the pair instead. Have one for a back up or use it in a different PC. The max temp on the card hits 81c. Tho it is dusty so I'll try some compressed air and see what happens.
I talked him down to $55 for the pair of 560 tis. I know they are old cards but it looks like for the games I play they are overkill. And they are in great condition to. It will hold me over until I can afford a 1070 or something.

well if it works for you then go for it. its a temporary card so why not.