Intermittent Blackouts/FPS Drops


Oct 26, 2017
I have asked around for some help on this situation for two weeks now and I don't seem to be able to get any answers so I thought i might try a tech forum.

The Preface:
I re-built a new gaming PC about two or three months ago with all new parts excluding the power supply and the monitor.
The computer ran beautifully for those two or three months and it started having display issues about three weeks ago.

The problem:
I experience intermittent monitor blackouts, regardless of whether I'm in-game or not. These will last about two seconds and the screen will come back.
Major FPS drops while in game that have not happened in the past. going from 100 FPS down to sometimes as low as 10 FPS. Games will sometimes crash or stop responding.
The blackouts started happening about three weeks ago and the FPS drops started about one week ago. FPS does not drop in-game after a blackout, at least not that I can tell.

The graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce 1050 Ti.

What I have Already Done:
- Run Virus Scans
- Check for GPU Driver Updates
- Monitor Hardware performance (clock speed, temperature, volts etc.)
- Reseat the graphics card
- Run BIOS to make sure right PCIe port is used
- Run game client repairs

What I know:
- The GPU is not overclocking itself. It has a feature to allow such a thing and I do not have it "checked off".
- The GPU is not overheating, I watch the temps, they don't get above 39C
- The GPU fan is working.
- All drivers are up to date.
- Monitor resolution should not be an issue as it is an old monitor and this Graphics Card is a relatively new series.
- The GPU is not dusty, I checked.
- Blackouts happen regardless of whether a game is running or not.
- None of my settings for graphics have changed during this time period.

The things i have already done have been through the suggestions of others. The only conclusion I can come to is that the graphics card is a lemon and that i should get a new one. I would prefer not to do that.
Any other suggestions on the matter are welcome.