Intermittent Connection & outdated firmware (Netgear C6300)


Jan 15, 2014
It seems Netgear sold me a cable modem/router (C6300) that can only be updated by an ISP. Of course, my ISP (Atlantic Broadband) wasn't successfully able to push through the firmware update. I'm not sure if the outdated firmware is the source of my issues. I cannot contact Netgear with support questions because I will be charged a fee just to ask for firmware update. Reading others posts, netgear wont push one through anyways. So I'm stuck with a $200 modem/router from NETGEAR that's less then a year old that cannot be updated and as of a few weeks ago has been causing me problems with connection off and on. My ISP said that my levels look great and no errors showing up for the modem on there end.

I have been having connection issues while gaming where I intermittently drop for sessions and quickly am put back in. Also this has been happening on other devices as well (cell phones, tv on wifi, ipad). Videos streamed have been sluggish and often stop to buffer/load where they used to never have to.

I was looking through my modem/router once I logged in and theres an event log tab that too me didn't look good. I'm a rookie with routers/modems so I'm not going to try and diagnose anything by looking but figured I'd mention that in case anyone that knows something about these things wants too see the logs.

Do I need to use a router/modem provided from my ISP so I do not waste money in the future since I cannot get the firmware updated on my current model? I'm at a loss and not sure how to handle this.

Can you help me troubleshoot the root cause of my problems?>
Are you me? Sounds like it! This c6300 is a piece of trash. Worst $200 I've ever spent.
My zero isp support and zero manufacturer support.

May Netgear burn down.