Question intermittent Network drops/t3 timeouts

Jun 7, 2021
I have an internet issues for well over a month I initially thought it was packet loss and presented as such, I had a cable guy come out and replace what I think is the only splitter under my house because it literally was so corroded it came apart, when he barely pulled on it, because we had found a leaky pipe before all of this, he cut the coax on both ends, reattached connector pieces and hooked it back up with no splitter because we no longer have cable, (also we had recently upgraded to much faster internet and gotten a new modem) so, before he left though that new modem also started power cycling, so he replaced that too and put a dampener to adjust the signal down, because it was no longer being split, which I found out much later was needed but for some reason the new modem wouldn't come up until he removed it.

That didn't fix the intermittent issue, we had another guy come out and check the outside and run some test on the modem and adjust whatever levels he could and gave that a go, also he upgraded the modem again. STILL didn't fix the issue.

Another guy comes out and tests for packet loss and can't be bothered to look at anything else and tries to explain to me it could be something on the network causing the packet loss by effectively doxing it with a slower speed or some kind of <Mod Edit> that made no sense to me, I pull EVERYTHING off my network and start gaming, still experiencing the dropping but its better after some tweaking to my pc. (WIFI and Ethernet it was happening) Tested on phone too.

Eventually I stumble on this after I have a disconnect:

10 2021-08-17T12:15:05-0700 82000200 Critical No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=::::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
11 2021-08-17T12:52:24-0700 82001200 Warning RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=:::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
12 2021-08-17T18:35:37-0700 82000200 Critical No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=::::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
13 2021-08-17T21:22:46-0700 68010600 Notice DHCP Renew - lease parameters tftp file-^1/****/res-1000.0x50.0-D3.0-res modified;CM-MAC=:::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
14 2021-08-18T05:00:20-0700 82000200 Critical No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=::::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
15 2021-08-18T09:37:15-0700 68010600 Notice DHCP Renew - lease parameters tftp file-^1/**/res-1000.0x50.0-D3.0-res modified;CM-MAC=::::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
16 2021-08-18T10:58:09-0700 82001200 Warning RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=:::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
17 2021-08-18T12:38:38-0700 82000200 Critical No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=:::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
18 2021-08-18T14:22:45-0700 82001200 Warning RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=:::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
19 2021-08-18T21:46:40-0700 68010600 Notice DHCP Renew - lease parameters tftp file-^1/****/res-1000.0x50.0-D3.0-res modified;CM-MAC=:::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
20 2021-08-18T22:32:35-0700 82000200 Critical No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=:::::;CMTS-MAC=:::::;CM-QOS=.;CM-VER=3.1;

4th guy comes out and I tell him, I think it's the coax because I did some research and it fits the t3 timeouts that I think were the original problem presenting weird, he tells me their tools are very good and they would see if there is water in the line or not and that sort of thing would show up, no one has put eyes on it though and no one has replaced it. He adjusts the signal nose, adds that dampener I mentioned I would need later and gets me in perfect range and says that should help.

I had 3 disconnects tonight, those messages are from today and he came last week and these people have no idea what it is. I am CONVINCED it's the coax or something in the line but they just won't <Mod Edit> replace it or look at it, am I wrong? I only know what I have read and these t3 timeouts are not presenting the way he said they normally do, he explained that they normally make your modem reboot, but what do I know? My connection just keeps dropping while I am trying to game and it only happens sometimes, I am at the END of my witts. HELP 🙁
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Although not the best those are over a fairly long period of time.

Some like the DHCP do not cause packet loss it is just the router confirming with the ISP it can keep using the IP address. The t3 time outs are not good but you have very few. You will see some of these on almost any connections. It is basically a ping done by the modem to the ISP equipment but it does not always correspond to actual data loss.

I do not know that the command power thing is. If that is causing the modem to reboot or resync you will see a outage that can take quite a least many resolve. You should see the lights on the modem change. I am not sure why you do not get more log messages when a modem resyncs the session.

Since it is complaining about signal levels check those. Most modems have a screen that shows the upload and download levels. You can look up the exact values since they are different for say docsis 3.0 and 3.1. The most common problem is uplink signal levels that are too high. Generally you want them less than 50 but again the exact number varies a bit. Other than any cable in your house you can do nothing about these signal levels other than look at them.

There also likely is a screen that show number of error packets on each data stream. The number of uncorrected errors is data loss. You will likely always see some but the number should be so low that you have a hard job actually seeing them change.

I think but I could be wrong the cm-ver=3.1 means you running docsis 3.1. Although they have fixed most the issue you still see reports of issues with certain firmware levels on certain modems. Only your ISP can change this. Your only real option would be to go to a completely different brand. Pretty much it is linksys or arris, others are just manufactured by one of those two.
Although not the best those are over a fairly long period of time.

Some like the DHCP do not cause packet loss it is just the router confirming with the ISP it can keep using the IP address. The t3 time outs are not good but you have very few. You will see some of these on almost any connections. It is basically a ping done by the modem to the ISP equipment but it does not always correspond to actual data loss.

I do not know that the command power thing is. If that is causing the modem to reboot or resync you will see a outage that can take quite a least many resolve. You should see the lights on the modem change. I am not sure why you do not get more log messages when a modem resyncs the session.

Since it is complaining about signal levels check those. Most modems have a screen that shows the upload and download levels. You can look up the exact values since they are different for say docsis 3.0 and 3.1. The most common problem is uplink signal levels that are too high. Generally you want them less than 50 but again the exact number varies a bit. Other than any cable in your house you can do nothing about these signal levels other than look at them.

There also likely is a screen that show number of error packets on each data stream. The number of uncorrected errors is data loss. You will likely always see some but the number should be so low that you have a hard job actually seeing them change.

I think but I could be wrong the cm-ver=3.1 means you running docsis 3.1. Although they have fixed most the issue you still see reports of issues with certain firmware levels on certain modems. Only your ISP can change this. Your only real option would be to go to a completely different brand. Pretty much it is linksys or arris, others are just manufactured by one of those two.

So my levels are at 40, the modem does not cycle, it's happened on 2 separate modems, different brands and I don't have very few I only posted 5/20 they happen every single day.


Is this what you were asking about?
So my levels are at 40, the modem does not cycle, it's happened on 2 separate modems, different brands and I don't have very few I only posted 5/20 they happen every single day.


Is this what you were asking about?

Port IDFrequency (Hz)ModulationSignal strength (dBmV)Channel IDSignal noise ratio (dB)BytesCorrectedsUncorrectables
Those look really good you have almost no errors at all.

You can check your upstream power which should be just below the thing you posted. In general if the numbers are below 50 then it is fine.

If all the numbers are good I can't see what that message means.

The problem with cable modems is there is nothing at all you can set or change the ISP is in full control of the device even when you own them. You would think the ISP would have people that know exactly what those messages mean. You have few options but to call and bother them. I guess you could just blindly replace the modem. That is how I ended up with a spare modem but it helps convince the ISP that it is their problem since you replaced the only equipment that it not 100% theirs.
I don't know how else to put it other than this, no matter what the numbers are saying, when I am gaming, I even notice it on webpages sometimes even on my phone. I get either a disconnect/insane latency/packet loss or something like that I don't actually know, but it creates pockets of lag that stops everything for up to like 5-7 seconds?
It started when I had internet problems months ago, I still get t3 timeout error messages every single day and I don't know what to tell these people to do. The only thing they adjust every time they come out is the db or something and they say it's sitting around 40 which they say is good.
I am at the end of my wits on how to fix my problem.