Internal hard drive causing psu coil whine to increase, help!!


Jan 13, 2014
http:// Ive swapped in two 3tb toshiba hard drives, a Corsair Coolermaster 600w psu bronze, an asrock h170m pro4 mobo, 16 G Skill 2133 mhz ram, intel i5 6600, and an r9 380x 8gb gpu.The psu is a Corsair Cx600.

For a few days, My psu has been getting coil whine. Now, the coil whine is somewhat annoying on idle, but when one of my toshiba 3tb hdds is booted up, it causes coil whine to ramp up in noise, and it is pretty unbearable.

I bought a new psu, but why should this be happening in the first place? The psu does not make any components whine, the hard drives dont, but when that one toshiba drive boots up, it increases so much.

Should I expect this problem to go away when I refit my rig with the new psu?
Your Corsair CX series PSU is low quality (Tier four) PSU.

PSU Tier list:

New PSU should fix things. Aim for a good quality (Tier two) PSU, preferably great quality (Tier one) PSU.

Anything from Seasonic will do, in 600W range.
In Tier two, i suggest going either for: S12II-620, M12II-620 EVO, S12G-650 or G-650,
In Tier one, you can go for: X-650, Platinum 660 or PRIME 650,

Note: PRIME series is the best Seasonic offers and it's 650W version is also the best 650W PSU money can buy at current date.
PRIME 650 review...
Your Corsair CX series PSU is low quality (Tier four) PSU.

PSU Tier list:

New PSU should fix things. Aim for a good quality (Tier two) PSU, preferably great quality (Tier one) PSU.

Anything from Seasonic will do, in 600W range.
In Tier two, i suggest going either for: S12II-620, M12II-620 EVO, S12G-650 or G-650,
In Tier one, you can go for: X-650, Platinum 660 or PRIME 650,

Note: PRIME series is the best Seasonic offers and it's 650W version is also the best 650W PSU money can buy at current date.
PRIME 650 review:,4690.html

All my 3 PCs: Skylake, Haswell and AMD are also powered by Seasonic. (Full specs in my sig.) And i can say that the review about PRIME 650 stays true when it states that PSU is dead silent, even under worst conditions since i happen to have it in my Skylake build.