Internet connection dropping during gaming.


Sep 28, 2017
Hello, I've got a seemingly unique issue occurring with my internet connection. I've just recently changed from a Cox Communications dual modem/router piece to a personal Arris SURFBoard (SB6190) modem and Netgear AC1200 router. Ever since the switch I started noticing intermittent connections, but the weird part is that it only affects a single program's connection at a time. I started noticing it while running Discord, where my side would generate audio pings when other users joined the channel, and other users could hear my voice input, but my computer was no longer generating any signals from them causing me to not be able to hear until I reconnected to the server. The same exact issue is occurring with other game programs like PUBG and Path of Exile. I'll be playing for a bit and out of nowhere the connection will drop and I am required to restart the game in order to reconnect to their respective networks. The issue that is stumping me is I'll be in game and get the "no connection" messages, but Discord and other sites such as Netflix/Youtube are still running without issue. The problem is also happening on my roommates computer, both of us hard-lined into the router with no wifi capabilities.
I guess it good and bad since at least you know it is the router. I would factory reset and configure as little as possible disable the wifi if you are not using it. Then slowly add back any changes. If it still does it on a default config you have few options. You could hope for a bug that was fixed by a patch. I don't think that router support third party firmware but if it does that would be something to try. After that you are to the point of having to replace the router assuming it is a hardware issue.
First get into the modem and see if the number in the correctable and uncorretable errors are changing a lot. Also look up the values of your power and snr to see if they are ok for your type of installation. It varies depending on how many channels etc so you need to look the recommended values up. You can also look at the error log and see if you are getting lots of will always see some but a couple per day is nothing.

If everything looks good in the modem I would plug your PC directly into the modem. You will likely have to power cycle the modem every time you switch between the pc and the router. This should tell you if the router is causing the problem or if it is something with the internet connection. The modem is pretty stupid and if it is getting good signal levels it likely is not the cause of the issue.
Thanks for the reply. It doesn't seem to be an issue with the modem. I ran all day yesterday plugged directly into the modem and noted no issues. Last night I reasserted connection to the router and within just a few hours I've noticed the issues returned. Same issues where programs are seemingly losing connection to the server individually.
I guess it good and bad since at least you know it is the router. I would factory reset and configure as little as possible disable the wifi if you are not using it. Then slowly add back any changes. If it still does it on a default config you have few options. You could hope for a bug that was fixed by a patch. I don't think that router support third party firmware but if it does that would be something to try. After that you are to the point of having to replace the router assuming it is a hardware issue.