I installed a new broadband at home today. For the router, I am using a Netgear n300. I started observing a strange behaviour from it.
After an hour or so, internet connection gets dropped. wifi signal strength is all good but no internet. i couldn't even access the admin page of the router! After few minutes, I am back online yet still void of access to router admin page
my pc which has been connected via ethernet was untouched by this issue a while ago but now, i have noticed the dropping issue even on it. I can access admin page from the pc though
all the devices are facing the problem.
I use WPA2 protection and my ISP has a username and password associated. I have all other settings set to default. (I have reset the router after this issue)
Can you tell me what the issue is? Thanks in advance
After an hour or so, internet connection gets dropped. wifi signal strength is all good but no internet. i couldn't even access the admin page of the router! After few minutes, I am back online yet still void of access to router admin page
my pc which has been connected via ethernet was untouched by this issue a while ago but now, i have noticed the dropping issue even on it. I can access admin page from the pc though
all the devices are facing the problem.
I use WPA2 protection and my ISP has a username and password associated. I have all other settings set to default. (I have reset the router after this issue)
Can you tell me what the issue is? Thanks in advance