Internet connection drops every hour


Jul 21, 2014
My internet connect is dropping every hour for about 20 seconds, just noticed its like it never skips a beat, always at x hour and 54 minutes.
Im connected wirelessly.
Please try to reset your router and reconfigure it. then check is it working fine or not. if it is still not working fine. then this could be issue because of internet service provider. you need to call them. then will help you to fix this.
I just reset my router while i was waiting for answers, waiting for the next 54 minutes
First i thought it was only on my pc but apparently its also happening on my phone so its not the pc
For some reason im the only person who notices it
I dont have anything connected through a wire and i also cant
If the time period is very regular it is likely a issue with the DHCP reservation. Check how much time the address reservation is set for in your router....ipconfig /all will likely tell you also. Still it is suppose to just renew with no outage. Try to set a fixed ip in your PC.

Then again it can be many things but most other have very random time periods.
It should be possible to chage the limit in your router to something like a week which will reduce the issue to once a week. You can also just set the ip to a fixed value in the network settings.

Hard to say why it does not renew it should but either the pc does not send the request or the router rejects it you would have to use a packet capture to find out which and that still does not actually fix it.
Unfortunately this is a read the manual type of thing. This is where commercial routers are somewhat easier even though they are much more complex. I could actually paste a example config since it is all text. With GUI on consumer routers how do you describe a screen...even if I knew.

There should be something about setting dhpc parameters it should be fairly obvious.

If you want to go the static ip method microsoft has some good examples....and you can search youtube.