Internet connection high latency low speed

Post Hoc

Sep 1, 2013
I have comcast, i pay for 85down and 10up. i am getting 2.2down 0.4up Starting yesterday night i ran into an issue. My latency is averaging around 800ms. If i do a reset on the modem and router, my internet will go back to normal for about 40 seconds then it goes right back to the crazy latency. Is this a firmware issue, an ISP issue, or a hardware issue?

Target Name:
Date/Time: 2/2/2016 4:34:07 AM to 2/2/2016 4:39:06 AM

Hop Sent Err PL% Min Max Avg Host Name / [IP]
1 120 0 0.0 6 1113 372 []
2 120 5 4.2 56 1698 658 []
3 120 9 7.5 111 1648 653 []
4 5 0 0.0 450 1094 779 []
5 120 6 5.0 126 1804 795 []
6 120 2 1.7 99 1691 753 []
7 120 5 4.2 76 1847 718 []
8 120 3 2.5 64 1853 747 []
9 120 4 3.3 95 1803 754 []
10 120 5 4.2 120 1690 748 []

if you have the comcast modem with wifi make sure the free hotspot is off so it not leachers that are using all of your bandwith. if your router and modem are two parts unplug the router and plug the pc into the modem see if anything changes. if the speed is there and ping is fine try updating the firmware of the router and blow the dust out. if the speed is still slow log onto the modem look at the firmware and log files see if comcasr pushed a newer firmware if they did see if they can re push the firmware to see if you go a bad update or see if they can put the old firmware back. if it an isp issue try open dns or google dns see if local net is over loaded.
if you have the comcast modem with wifi make sure the free hotspot is off so it not leachers that are using all of your bandwith. if your router and modem are two parts unplug the router and plug the pc into the modem see if anything changes. if the speed is there and ping is fine try updating the firmware of the router and blow the dust out. if the speed is still slow log onto the modem look at the firmware and log files see if comcasr pushed a newer firmware if they did see if they can re push the firmware to see if you go a bad update or see if they can put the old firmware back. if it an isp issue try open dns or google dns see if local net is over loaded.