Internet connection problem


Jun 4, 2017
Hello comrades. I have one very anoying problem, and u're my only hope for help.
So here it goes: I have 2 pcs in my house, both connected to router via cable. One of my computers is having full speed with no droping or dc (10Mb/s) while other one is haveing same speed after startup that last about 10min. and then it drops to lke 100kbt/s like 1/10 of speed unabling me to browse of download anything until i restart it again. Tricky thing is that my youtube works pefrect, like ultra HD videos runing smooth with no buffing required but simple google pages unable to open. Tried switching places in router and changing cables but with no solution. Perhaps it is my computed thats wrong, myb some driver? I scanned whole computer from malware non found, cheked pc hdd for errors, no erros 100% drive health. Pls help me trobleshoot this problem, if not only solution i see is to reinstall OS. Thanks agian, and sry for bothering. Peace.
the one that drop socket could be getting defective see if you could find one of those cheap card for test even a friend could have a spare to lend you for this .

Sry mate, not much of a geek for computers here, especially not on internet side. 🙁 Can u pls explain me better. How do i find out if i have pci lan card and how to test?


Oh i dont have that, both my computers use socket that's on MOBO