I've tried looking around for similar problems, but please bear with me as I can't find other people with a problem quite like this one. It's kind of an odd problem and I've only personally experienced it with my PC.
Basically, at least once a day my internet connection just randomly drops. At first I thought it was my WiFi adapter, but concluded it isn't since now I'm using ethernet with a powerline adapter.
First I thought it was because I was using 2.4 Ghz WiFi, a pretty busy frequency, so I changed to 5.0 Ghz. Didn't work. I thought maybe it's my WiFi adapter so I went out and bought a powerline adapter. Didn't work. The problem behaves exactly the same as it did with the WiFi adapter so I'm fairly certain that it's my PC that's the problem. Not my network.
Usually I can fix the issue temporarily by right-clicking on the network icon in the toolbar and troubleshooting problems. Usually, it just resets whatever adapter I'm using. (Ethernet/Wifi) After that it juts works like magic... Temporarily.
Sometimes Windows says that I'm missing network protocols. I let it do its thing and it works... Temporarily.
Sometimes Windows says something about my default gateway. I let it do its thing and it works... Temporarily.
Usually, I don't even disconnect from the network, hence why I'm able to troubleshoot problems. I just get the little warning icon next to the ethernet/WiFi icon in the toolbar and it says "No Internet Connection."
Unplugging my ethernet/USB WiFi seems to usually work. Manually disabling and re-enabling the adapter in network settings usually works too. Sometimes if I just wait it out it works again. The problem is this happens to me maybe 1-5 times each day. 1-2 on usual days and 4-5 on extreme cases.
So with all that in mind, I've concluded that it's most likely my PC. Not my network or adapters. Anyone got a fix for this? It has been a problem with my PC for a long time, but I just kind of lived with it.
Basically, at least once a day my internet connection just randomly drops. At first I thought it was my WiFi adapter, but concluded it isn't since now I'm using ethernet with a powerline adapter.
First I thought it was because I was using 2.4 Ghz WiFi, a pretty busy frequency, so I changed to 5.0 Ghz. Didn't work. I thought maybe it's my WiFi adapter so I went out and bought a powerline adapter. Didn't work. The problem behaves exactly the same as it did with the WiFi adapter so I'm fairly certain that it's my PC that's the problem. Not my network.
Usually I can fix the issue temporarily by right-clicking on the network icon in the toolbar and troubleshooting problems. Usually, it just resets whatever adapter I'm using. (Ethernet/Wifi) After that it juts works like magic... Temporarily.
Sometimes Windows says that I'm missing network protocols. I let it do its thing and it works... Temporarily.
Sometimes Windows says something about my default gateway. I let it do its thing and it works... Temporarily.
Usually, I don't even disconnect from the network, hence why I'm able to troubleshoot problems. I just get the little warning icon next to the ethernet/WiFi icon in the toolbar and it says "No Internet Connection."
Unplugging my ethernet/USB WiFi seems to usually work. Manually disabling and re-enabling the adapter in network settings usually works too. Sometimes if I just wait it out it works again. The problem is this happens to me maybe 1-5 times each day. 1-2 on usual days and 4-5 on extreme cases.
So with all that in mind, I've concluded that it's most likely my PC. Not my network or adapters. Anyone got a fix for this? It has been a problem with my PC for a long time, but I just kind of lived with it.