I've looked and looked, but everything I've read, I cannot do! It's extremely frustrating. I am sharing a dialup 56k, with only 1 network card (don't need two because It's not cable or dsl connection). I just isntalled 2000 yesterday to try and get a more reliable business computer (it was running Windows ME). Now, when both computers where running ME, ICS ran great because of the ICS Setup disk that is created with setting it up on the host machine. But, that setup disk doesn't work with a 2000 machine, so it has to be setup manually, which I've tried to do but every resource I've found hasn't helped. I'm new to Windows 2000, and it works differently than 98, and I can't find my way around as easily. Is there a conflict with trying to have ME as an ICS host and 2000 client? Like I said, I had it working when both machines where running ME, so all the hardware is good... Thanks for your interest in helping me!