Internet Connectivity, but can't ping anything else on the network.


Nov 30, 2016
As mentioned in the title, my PC is connected to the internet via Ethernet, and is browsing and gaming fine. However, when I try to ping anything else on the network (Xbox, phone, printer, etc.) it always times out. Everything else can ping everything else, it just is my PC that is having issues. I've also tried disabling firewalls and such, to no avail. Any recommendations?


Only one router. Xbox and PC are connected via ethernet. Phones/laptops/printer are connected via Wi-Fi.

I try pinging with IP addresses.


Yes, Network Discovery is turned on (Even set to both private and public for tests). Still timing out on all requests.
And here is your answer! I'm going to assume you are trying to ping a computer that is connected wireless to your network. Go into your routers settings and make sure the following options and under Wireless Setup make sure "Wireless Isolation" is unchecked. I believe by default it's checked so removing that should resolve your problem as it just did for me. This answer was taken from a previous post it may help .
If your router doesnt have the isolation setting look for "block ping from wan" setting.

Thank you for the suggestion, but I do not think this is the proper answer as the devices connected wirelessly can still see each other, and my computer is connected via Ethernet anyways. My PC is the only thing that seems to be on an "island" by itself.