Internet cutting out, lost.


Oct 15, 2012
Hey guys/gals, i've been having some internet issues for the past few days that have been boggling my mind.

Whenever I am browsing the web, or listening to an internet radio, or even gaming, after about 30 minutes my internet will cut out. The weird thing though, is that it will come back when I close the game/browser. It seems that whatever tab or application I have running the longest nullifies my internet connection after awhile and will not turn back on until I close out of that specific application.

What could be causing this? Extremely frustrating, thanks in advance.

EDIT: I should add that i'm not using wireless -- directly connected. I do not believe this happens on my other PC's in the house -- so it must be an issue with my machine. I have updated my network drivers.


Oct 19, 2012
It could be an issue with your NIC or drivers (sometimes the latest actually break things believe it or not). It could also be a power saving feature on your NIC settings. To check that you have to both go to Device Manager -> NIC -> Properties Dialog, and to your Windows Power Options control panel -> Change Plan Settings -> Change Advanced Power Settings. Hope this gets you started. :)