Internet Cutting out


Jun 10, 2016

My internet cuts out on my machine at random times in the day. Internet is fine on other devices!

It will go for about 5 minutes and then come back.

The network log was showing some kind of DNS issue when the cut out happens. I don't use a DNS but tried to change my DNS to google's to see if it resolved it but it hasn't.

I've tried new network cables, updating drivers, external ethernet, disabling IPv6.

Network is definitely not my strong point but I have downloaded Microsoft Network Analyzer and the only things I can see out of the ordinary around the time the intnernet cuts out is: SSDP:SERVER cannot be decoded successfully due to field value does not follow RFC.

Also there's the following:

MessageNumber DiagnosisTypes Timestamp TimeDelta ProcessName Source Destination Module Summary
46657 InsufficientData 10:02:19.2423014 -34.9992110 System DESKTOP-JPJTOFK HTTP Request, GET /rootDesc.xml, Version: HTTP/1.1