So my isp is Verizon Fios and I pay for 50/25 but for some reason I get more then that when I take a speed test. So I tried to download Eclipse (about 200mb file) and it said time remaining: http://prntscr.com/45etuc . The only programs on my pc running were Spotify, Skype, TeamSpeak, and MineCraft. The other person in my house was my sister and she was streaming Netflix in her room. Since I have fiber internet I don't think it would take up bandwidth. While I was downloading the file, I decided to take a speed test and this was the result: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3642088470 . My browser is Google Chrome and the only extensions I have is AdBlocker+ and BetterTTV. I only have Google Chrome as a browser other then the default Internet Explorer. My only idea of why this is happening is that maybe Chrome slows down my download.