I am a rather new website builder and as I am a beginner I am encountering certain problems with some explorers. It just so happens that the explorer that does not work is IE6. I use firefox and all my friends do but I am doign this stuff as a little webproject and the school does not seem to like my stuff.
So anybody think they can help me out to check why my code does not work with IE6? Well then please check out the site here:
Make sure you check it with both IE6 and firefox 1.5
Well thanks in advance for any help. I am a little lost in the woods here so all help is greatly apreciated.
I am a rather new website builder and as I am a beginner I am encountering certain problems with some explorers. It just so happens that the explorer that does not work is IE6. I use firefox and all my friends do but I am doign this stuff as a little webproject and the school does not seem to like my stuff.
So anybody think they can help me out to check why my code does not work with IE6? Well then please check out the site here:
Make sure you check it with both IE6 and firefox 1.5
Well thanks in advance for any help. I am a little lost in the woods here so all help is greatly apreciated.