Internet Gets Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

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Perhaps the prise money will be awarded to a broken link. That would solve the problem of how the internet would use it.
I think this nobel comittee guys haven't ever played COD MW2 or Halo 3 online...or maybe racial slurs and profanity is the new "peace"?
[citation][nom]JMcEntegart[/nom]Al Gore![/citation]The Bush campaign myth/lie about Gore supposedly saying he invented the internet has stuck, huh?
This is starting to pan out just like I, we're giving machines awards. I'm glad Will Smith is still alive.

The Internet - the unknowing distributor of porn, games, illegally copied movies, music, and games, research, news, opinions, and last spring break's photos could get a Peace Prize. Who knew?
So, when does cars or airplanes win nobels? Or maybe the next time it's for pen and paper. This is just crazy.
[citation][nom]dman3k[/nom]The Bush campaign myth/lie about Gore supposedly saying he invented the internet has stuck, huh?[/citation]

While it is commonly disputed that Gore ever said this, the actual quote "During my service in the United Stated Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet." was stated by Al Gore. I'm sure it was just a poorly phrased response, but it stuck. Bush had nothing to do with this one. I was actually watching that interview and that statement had the whole room howling with laughter.
How do you give a prize to a non-entity? What's the point? Maybe they are strapped for cash this year and figure they can keep the money if the winner can't actually accept it. Really they should come up with a more sensible way of `honoring` the Internet.
Honouring the internet is like the US Supreme Court essentially declaring Corporations as having rights like an individual, which enables them to do things like fund raising and attack ads against politicians. What does the decision by the US Supreme Court have to do with the Nobel Committee, well simple, these highly educated philosophical decisions about granting rights to non-humans is potentially dangerous present setting national/international decisions. There has to be some level of distinction set between living sentient beings and everything else. Acknowledging the role the internet has played in the last 20 years is fine, but keep the separation and distinction between how we acknowledge people and entities or technological marvels we humans create.
Sorry, but this is a joke, right? The Nobel prizes used to be serious business. Granting money to worthy recipients to continue their work in a particular field. Nominating 'the internet' let alone actually awarding it the prize seriously diminishes any credibility the Nobel committee has left. This is just a publicity stunt, like when Time magazine made "You" the man of the year and put a mirror on the cover.
gsacks, lets be serious, Obama won it because he ran an election campaign on the promise of change. The internet is certainly worthy of the award given this context.
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