Internet is really wierd


May 1, 2015
When I first got internet from my isp like 3 months ago it was perfect for about 3 weeks. Now it's just really bad and it wont go below 50 ping. The download speed is super bad same with upload. I usually get like 0.47-3 download speed. I dont know if my isp is slowing me down or not because i emailed them and they said its a flood in the system and should be fixed in 1 day. I also called them too. We use sattilite because we live in a hilly area, but the city is too lazy to add more internet cable to the power lines. Any Help? I really wanted to start a youtube and stream games, but sometimes I cant even open the web

I feel sorry for you man.
That`s like really poor for a internet connection.
As USAFRet say`a satellite is dependent on weather, There is not much you can do if the satellite broadcasting the internet
If bandwidth usage is very high, due to alot of people using it at once.

It`s not like you can pop on a rocket, and add a few extra components to allow more bandwidth to be beamed down to earth to increase the amount of bandwidth the satellite can handle.

Fingers crossed for you that they get some more cables strung in the future to let you have a better connection.
Do you live in Canada or something Wazz ?

I feel sorry for you man.
That`s like really poor for a internet connection.
As USAFRet say`a satellite is dependent on weather, There is not much you can do if the satellite broadcasting the internet
If bandwidth usage is very high, due to alot of people using it at once.

It`s not like you can pop on a rocket, and add a few extra components to allow more bandwidth to be beamed down to earth to increase the amount of bandwidth the satellite can handle.

Fingers crossed for you that they get some more cables strung in the future to let you have a better connection.
Do you live in Canada or something Wazz ?

Im in Romania, but it says to have more better internet than the U.S. its all overfor here the average download is 88


The average download performance for your country means nothing at your particular house.

I know but I was excited when I saw that before I moved here.