Question Internet issues in Valorant ?


Nov 12, 2021
So I have this problem that happens every time I play Valorant for more than a week.
Game will be pretty smooth first days in dropping 20-30 casually and game feeling crispy.
After 5-7 days game becomes extremely laggy to the point I get desynced(die behind walls) and cannot make sense of where enemies are when I see them and I never have time to even react, I need to be lucky to hit the easiest shots.
My internet has been pretty stable but I've been reading something about ISP throttling, could that be the cause?

Sorry if I should've posted this in networking.
So after a bit of searching it seems that 99% of the cause is either ISP Throttling or something internet related.
Should I try removing fast path in case it is causing any problems ? And could it be causing this big of an issue ?