your internet provider may be throttling your bandwith or restricting it for any reason.[??]
if the games are running through steam...[every time I try to explain about steam folks get real mad]. but its like this steam has control not you.. you pay for a game and then you have to rely on them if there having issues and you want to play your just out. my self it a game requires an internet connection for any reasom to load or play a game I spent $$ on I just don't spend my $$ on it or if it requires a 3ed party like steam in order to plat or load it wount be around here, keep it. cause when I buy a game to play I expect to load and plat it not hope I can play it when they feel I can with out there content being downloaded on to my computer. no way..
see they got your $$ and your not playing as you feel you should... therte a lot of folks that post about how '' I got this game and it don't work bla bla bla and start to blame things on there hardware , well like I tell them , how do you know?? you don't have control they do.. and if they don't want to support your game or have an issue with that game server lag what ever that's too bad for you and your just out