Internet packet loss at night


Oct 3, 2016
Hi everyone.

I was hoping you guys would help me since I'm currently at a really annoying spot with my internet connection and I need more opinions. For more than 5 months now I been experiencing horrible packet loss problems during the night time. They start between 8pm and 9pm and are really annoying. I contacted my ISP and even got in direct contact with the area supervisor but even them can't seem to find the problem. I have cable service and noticed that there is a triple light with motion detection right next to the box that holds all the cable company equipment. This light seems to have a cable that crosses with a coaxial coming out of the cable company's box. Since the problem only happens at night and I'm pretty much running out of ideas, could it be possible that this light is the source of my problems? The light stays on all night by the way, don't even know why it has a motion detection sensor.

Again, the packet loss starts between 8pm and 9pm and go all through the night until around 6am (time when the sun comes out here in Miami, at least now)

Please let me know your thoughts, I'm going crazy over this.


Oh nono, they didn't install this. I guess it was my landlord.

Directly to the router with a cable. All devices experience packet loss at the same time, be it wireless or wired. I also tried changing the location of the router and still nothing.

Then it is either the router, or something upstream belonging to the ISP.

The router/modem (one of those cisco 2 in 1, cable modem and wireless router) was replaced by the cable company, it was one of the first things they tried. One technician even came with a completely different modem to test and it also gave problems.

Then the problem almost certainly lies outside your residence.

Another technician came and replaced some piece in the post that has the cable drop into my building. This improved my situation quite a bit since the first day I only had 5 packet loss and the one after that only 3. Sadly, 4 days later it became really bad again to the point where I was having 2 to 3 packet loss back to back every 3 minutes. Now some nights I get no problems and some other nights it is horrible. One thing I noticed is that my response time spikes every 30 seconds and it happens all the time.

I don't know what is going on and sadly the cable company doesn't either.