Not too long ago INorton Internet Security wigged out on me and requried a re-install.
During the process...specifically during the time Norton was absent from my machine...I noticed that my system was *much* more responsive. Boot times were faster. Life seemed better. Then the reinstall completed and everything was bleak.
I got to wondering... Has anyone done / Does anyone know about any side by side performance comparasons to see what security suite demands the least in system resources?
Since it's pretty much a given that *some kind of security* is required on a system today, knowing what won't slow me down so much could be important decision making information.
Further, it seems to me if I ran the company owning the 'blue ribbon resource pig' I'd start flogging my developers to get a better performing product.
During the process...specifically during the time Norton was absent from my machine...I noticed that my system was *much* more responsive. Boot times were faster. Life seemed better. Then the reinstall completed and everything was bleak.
I got to wondering... Has anyone done / Does anyone know about any side by side performance comparasons to see what security suite demands the least in system resources?
Since it's pretty much a given that *some kind of security* is required on a system today, knowing what won't slow me down so much could be important decision making information.
Further, it seems to me if I ran the company owning the 'blue ribbon resource pig' I'd start flogging my developers to get a better performing product.