Internet slow on one computer


Oct 10, 2015
Trying to play cs:go but can't as my ping in insanely high (400ms) My brother is able to play at (20/30ms) my internet was fine until a day ago.
When I do a speed test, for the first half my download speeds are 0.01-0.06 then it kicks in and returns to the normal 12-20mb. This is really strange and seems to only be a problem on my computer...
Also I forgot to mention, when loading YouTube pages it is really slow, but when it comes to loading the video itself it loads at normal speed and I am able to watch it it 720p

Ok now that was funny.

You have a couple of choices. Since all other wireless devices are fine, it is unlikely to be congestion. You can try installing MalwareBytes or running Roguekiller to see if you've picked up some poohware, but I'm inclined to think your old wireless card has a dying radio. I'd get another one, and not the cheapest you can find. In the US, I'd spend around $35 instead of the bottom-dollar $15-$19. Another option is Powerline networking, if there are spare outlets available near the router and also near your PC (NOT in a surge...

Wireless, dell 2.4ghz wifi card (all drivers up to date)
ISP is BT and we have the newest BT fiber optic router it is a few months old
I check our family computer that is wired and it gets 82mb down

Are you able to use a wired connection instead?
You say it was fine; possibly your wireless card has opted for early retirement. Are there other wireless devices on your network (e.g. your brother's PC), or are they all wired?
Is this a Dell laptop, or a desktop PC? If the latter, you can probably replace the wireless card fairly easily.

No only our family computer is wired, I check our router and we have 53 wireless devices connected so I deleted all of the ones we don't use (friends phones, old devices ect) now there are less than 10 but my connection is still no better than before. This is a desktop I built, the card is the only dell component that I took from my old pc but has worked fine up until now.
Also no I can't use wired, the router is downstairs and my pc is in my room
I'm also on BT and also having issues only when initially connecting to a website, once on the speed is normal, not sure what it is worth but ironic we're both using BT fibre?

Seems unlikely as all other wireless devices are fine, on my iPad right now I'm getting 50/mbs. I have temporarily deleted most of the devices other than essential ones and the problem still remains. Can you suggest any reason why when I do a speed test, the download speed is less than 1/mbs but then 10seconds later kicks in at 12/20mbs (my normal download speed on my PC)
I have checked the wifi card, both wires are intact and the led is green. I think this is a software issue on my computer and not to do with the router
OP, try going to Control Panel, Network and Sharing Center, change adapter settings, right click your adapter and click properties, single click IPV4 and click configure. Disable energy efficient or Green something. (You may have one or the other or none depending on your adapter)

Accidentally selected the your answer as best... Yeah BT are very annoying but they are the only people offering fibre in my area.

I had already disabled all energy saving features on my network adapter.

Unselected it for you. I am also on BT and have no issues which is strange.

I would be more inclined to blame the hardware. If you have established that other devices are solid, then software cannot play a big factor on your WiFi speed, unless there is some nefarious program running in the background...hogging your bandwidth. Follow this link to see if you can find out if a certain program is causing the yoyo speeds: Whats eating my bandwidth?

"Also no I can't use wired, the router is downstairs and my pc is in my room"

It took my neighbor a week to paint a table upstairs because his paint was in the basement

Lol, the obvious solution would be to move my pc downstairs or the router upstairs, but there is no wifi socket thing upstairs (there is one but it doesn't work -.-) and my house is too small to have my PC downstairs 🙁

Ok now that was funny.

You have a couple of choices. Since all other wireless devices are fine, it is unlikely to be congestion. You can try installing MalwareBytes or running Roguekiller to see if you've picked up some poohware, but I'm inclined to think your old wireless card has a dying radio. I'd get another one, and not the cheapest you can find. In the US, I'd spend around $35 instead of the bottom-dollar $15-$19. Another option is Powerline networking, if there are spare outlets available near the router and also near your PC (NOT in a surge protector; these adapters must go right into the outlet, as surge protectors attenuate the signal they use).

Ran a malware check and it turns out I had 27 threats I was unaware of. Apparently AVG found out I torrented their software and disabled it and I've had no virus protection for the last month. My connection has now returned to normal.