Hello, this is my first post here on Tom's Hardware, and on any forum so if I'm doing anything wrong, feel free to correct me. Pointers would be great!
I am currently having trouble with my internet speed. I have recently noticed that, especially on YouTube, that my loading speed on videos are extremely bad. I currently upgraded to 15 meg internet from my local plant board service provider. My computer is a brand new, gaming/video editing desktop, (Built myself), so I'm 95% sure that isn't the problem. I currently use hardwired CAT5 Ethernet cable from my router to my desktop. But I also have installed, a wireless adapter card, if that means anything (I heard somewhere that if you are connected to two different types of connection that things may act up, not sure.) I had a problem in the past with my router, I believe it was a lightning/electrical/surge problem, don't know if that might have happened again? That is really all I can think of that could be the problem, although I know nothing about network and how it operates.
**Knowing that I am new to forums, I can't find my way around very well, so if there is already a thread about this please, feel free to direct me there, thanks!
I did go to speedtest.net to check that and I got 15.3 meg download and 1.3 upload with ping at 11 ms. Not sure, really what those numbers are supposed to be but I assume 15.3 is relatively good speaking I currently have 15 meg subscription???
Thank you all for the help.
I am currently having trouble with my internet speed. I have recently noticed that, especially on YouTube, that my loading speed on videos are extremely bad. I currently upgraded to 15 meg internet from my local plant board service provider. My computer is a brand new, gaming/video editing desktop, (Built myself), so I'm 95% sure that isn't the problem. I currently use hardwired CAT5 Ethernet cable from my router to my desktop. But I also have installed, a wireless adapter card, if that means anything (I heard somewhere that if you are connected to two different types of connection that things may act up, not sure.) I had a problem in the past with my router, I believe it was a lightning/electrical/surge problem, don't know if that might have happened again? That is really all I can think of that could be the problem, although I know nothing about network and how it operates.
**Knowing that I am new to forums, I can't find my way around very well, so if there is already a thread about this please, feel free to direct me there, thanks!
I did go to speedtest.net to check that and I got 15.3 meg download and 1.3 upload with ping at 11 ms. Not sure, really what those numbers are supposed to be but I assume 15.3 is relatively good speaking I currently have 15 meg subscription???
Thank you all for the help.