Internet speed of 50mbps, will a better router make a difference?


Dec 15, 2014
So we got this router and modem in one , it is dutch but I hope you can read it good enough. We got adsl that supports up to 50Mbits p/s, however I was wondering what if I got this , will it increase my internet speeds? Wireless and or wired? Because right now I got trouble streaming on twitch sometimes, and if that doesn't help is there anything else I could use?
Thanks in advance.

If you get a new router you should get better speeds on your phone and other devices connected through wifi as the router will be sending data through better antennas etc than the older router.

A new router should help the data get to your devices faster and so I would recommend getting a new router as a standard, a repeat / extender is just for extending the wifi signal in your house (if you have a large house).

What bars are you getting for wireless signal strength on your devices (in the places where you most commonly use them).


If you were to get a new router it should improve your streaming speeds (when connected wirelessly) however it WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR SPEEDS).

The speeds of which you are getting for download (50mbps) is part of the package that you are paying for from your ISP therefore you cannot increase this speed without upgrading your current package.

As a rule of thumb (with this speed in particular) when streaming videos like films and such (not so much YouTube videos) make sure that you are either the only one on the internet at the time in your household or make sure that anyone else on the internet isn't using demanding applications that require a lot of data packets to be sent.

Twitch in particular, the issues could be because the streaming bandwidth is too high for your network, If there are quality options see if you can reduce the bitrate to medium and see if this fixes the issue. You can also right click on the player and click the 'stats for nerds' button which will show you the current bitrate, tell me the bitrate of one of the videos that you are having trouble with.

Hope this helps!
First see if it is a WIFI problem or not by connecting via a wired interface. This needs to be tested to determine the root cause. If you have no problems with a wired connection and you can speedtest to the bandwidth you are paying for, then your basic routing functions are adequate. You should then test with the router in the same room as the wireless client. If everything still works then it may be a distance from the router problem (signal degradation). A new router might improve things, but you may have to add a WIFI access point to improve things rather than replace the router.

I'm wired and I can't get a better package, but let's say I get 3megabytes p/s upload and download atm, will it increase if i got the better router?
And let's say I'm watching youtube trough wifi on my phone will that be any better?
And will the range be better for wifi? Or is it better to buy a repeater/extender for that?

If you get a new router you should get better speeds on your phone and other devices connected through wifi as the router will be sending data through better antennas etc than the older router.

A new router should help the data get to your devices faster and so I would recommend getting a new router as a standard, a repeat / extender is just for extending the wifi signal in your house (if you have a large house).

What bars are you getting for wireless signal strength on your devices (in the places where you most commonly use them).


In my room 1 or 0 bars, in the living room 3 to 1 bars, in the basement 1 or 0 bars, in my grand parents living room 3 to 1 :) I mostly use it in my room, I will be getting a new router for sure thanks! But is it smart to get like 2 or 3 repeaters (or other extenders?) at my grandparents, basement & My room? Thanks :)

Hi again,

Yeah, a couple range extenders are useful since they will help the signal get to further away places. I would recommend getting some for use in the basement and such to improve the wireless signal to cover ALL of your devices.

Hope I helped! :bounce:😀


Okay thanks alot! :) A few more questions and I'm ready to make a decision! My old router/modem should I start using that as a modem? Or get a different one? and which one? :) And have you got any sugestions for extenders/repeaters? I'm gonna get 3 repeaters, r7000, and maybe another modem? :)
Thanks in advance.

You may or may not be able to use your existing combo unit as a modem only. You need to research your unit with "bridge mode". Bridge mode will turn it into a modem. Some combo units are easy to bridge some aren't.

Did you see the article on Tom's today about a new Netgear product --,30278.html It combines a WIFI router with powerline network adapters to extend WIFI range. I would look at that if you can't use ethernet cables to connect your remote access points (WIFI sources).

So it can bridge! :) Is it good enough for a modem? Or doesnt it matter? And is the DST kinda like a wifi extender in a wall plug? Or do normal extenders need ethernet cable?

And is this the one? or this is there even a difference?



They both do the same thing and so will be equally good, the second one however seems to be newer, that seems to be the only thing distinguishing the two.

You may as well go for the more expensive (newer one) if you have the money.

Regards, 😀

I also want 2 switches, both 4 outputs, any suggestions? :)