Intle i3 3220 always below 30% Load


Dec 14, 2014
Hey Guys.

I have this Cpu : Intle i3 3220 which is suppose to run at 3.30 ghz.

Recently i did a stress test and found out my pc always locks at 30% load and never goes above that. and my Temperatures are between 46-49 Degrees C never goes above 50.

Also i have 4gb ram.


i Used a program called CPU Burning to stress the cpu and Open hard ware monitor along with windows performance monitor to record the total load, both gave the same number max 30%


As of threads, in task manager it shows 2 threads
and how to find and edit Max Cpu Utilization can you tell me please?

Edit : Sorry my bad, both the cores are not at 30% either one is at 50% and other is at 11% or vise versa or sometimes one is at 40% and the other is at 20% like this it fluctuates but never the total goes above 30% it maxes out at 29%

Yes thank you, the Cpu Utilization was already at 100% Usage.
A I3-3220 should show 4 threads. 2 full cores plus 2 hyperthreads.
I suspect that some sort of a windows update has screwed things up.

One option is to use system restore to reset your pc back to when all was good.

In the windows msconfig boot advanced options option look to see how many threads it says. If you can, set it to 4 which is the proper number.
You will need to reboot for this change to take effect.

It says 1 :/

also in task manager it says Cores : 2 , Logical Processor : 4

2 cores, 4 logical processors is correct for I3-3220.
You must be running windows 10.

Take a user system checkpoint now so you can reset if anything goes wrong.

In the msconfig can you set the number of threads to 4?

If not, use system restore to a previous time when all might have been well.

yea im running 10, but in msconfig > boot > Advanced Options , its says number of processors instead or threads and yes i can change it to 4, shall i do it after i have created the restore point?

Thank you soo much! I just used prime95 and stressed test and i got 100%! Thank you soo much for you help! <3
I have seen a similar situation posted before.
Thinking about it, I suspect that windows 10 update needs to single thread some of the process so it sets the max threads to one and then neglects to reset it.