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Oct 31, 2009
Here's the story:
I use Norton Internet Security, and a few days ago it notified me it had blocked an intrusion from IP, 53 and that "The attack was resulted from System"
I'm not too hot on my knowledge of IP's etc, so I gave it a quick google. It comes up with a bunch of stuff which I don't really understand.

Would really appreciate if this could be explained to me in simple terms, is it dangerous, is it something routine, is it Norton Internet Security being a douche, is it someone try to hack me over the wireless network I use or what?

Hmm, well give that the local address given is usually either your router or modem, it seems like someone tryed to ping you to see what was open and accessible, what the military and IT people call a probe. The most likely thing would be someone tried to ping you.

In this case, port 53 is used for DNS, which is basically a translation thing that changes into In all likihood it's harmless, it means someone/thing (most likely your modem/router) was trying to change your IP ( into "Bobs Computer" (whatever your comptuer is named). Norton blocks it as a precaution because other things can happen on that port, but I wouldn't worry about it.
I've suspected for a while that my step dad (who manages all the computer stuff at our house - networks, wireless, router etc) is monitoring my internet activity in some way. Could this be something to do with that?
I'm on a laptop and use the home wireless network.


Possible, but not likely, as unless he had software that costs tens of thousands of dollars, he'd have to have somthing installed on your computer anyways, which would bypass Norton to begin with.
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