Invisible USB


Jul 11, 2009
I have exactly the same problem as Alec at
and exactly in the same way and by the same reasons the remedies proposed by Anna and Treeman are not applicable. In short:
on XP sp2 the memory stick USB port forgot its letter suddenly, while working perfectly for a long time up to the moment that happened, although the machine feels the stick and even the green arrow utility "Save to remove" is active and does its work. But there's no letter assigned to the "Mass Storage" in that "Disk Management" console and I have no idea how to add it there. Thanks to anyone who would bother to answer.
the system assigns the letter to the drive when it recognizes it, try reformatting it and see if that helps, do you have a good A/V program, the potential to get nasty things with the USB devices is incredible, also try a powered hub, or just plug it in the back and see if it fixes the problem
In meantime I checked other machines with USB working pretty well — neither had a letter assigned to Mass Storage in "Disk management", although the letter appears in Explorer when memory stick is being plugged. Of course, I tried all possible holes, not only those in front. Will try do reinstall driver later. Yes, I have three A/V and the machine has been checked. Can’t figure, what happened, because everything was okay before.

Well, the "Disk 1 Removable Online" appears in "Computer Management" →"Disk Management" console when I plug the stick into the and I even can assign a letter G: to it, but still that letter does not appear in the EXPLORER, and the menu "Open" in "Disk Management" console sometimes reponds "Folder G:\ not found"
The reason for my problem is not the stick, by no means. My stick performs excellently on other machines and other sticks experience the same problem on this machine.

Hi Romko, I am having similar problems.

I am given memory sticks by PR agencies etc with press kits for new products that I review (heavy trucks), I can run these sticks on various computers, except for my home PC.

When I try, I get a message 'One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned and Windows does not recognise it'.

I can out that same disk into my work PC, and it works fine.

If I go to Disk Manager, the USB port does not show up at all.

Similarly, if I plug my iPod, vinyl turntable, or any other USB-driven device ie card reader, it does not detect them either.

I have checked, and the Device Manager tells me the USB ports are functioning, with the latest available drivers, but I cannot plug any device into them, and have them work.

I should point out here, I am a journalist, not a computer technician, and as such, would appreciate plain English advice, as much of this terminology is unfamiliar to me.

Thanks everyone, look forward to your responses, and if you ever want to know about the latest engine exhaust technology or what an Automated Manual Tranmission is, only to happy to help :).

Gary in Australia

Thanks aford, will give that a try tomorrow - it is midnight here now, a bit tired - and will post the results, hopefully that will be the end of it.
