IP address issue


Mar 19, 2014
We only have one computer but with two users set up and we keep getting the message that there is another computer with the same IP address which then stops the internet connection working.Are my details at risk and is there a simple fix ?

Dave Nic
Since you are connected by a wifi router and based on your comment that you don't know anything about networks. Do you know if you setup a password for your network? Most of the time when you purchase and connect a router to your modem it's left open meaning that anyone can auto connect. You should be able to login to your router and see the IP's of the computer and devices connected to your router.
I would go back to basics, and do a factory reset on your router. Then connect one of your computers to the router by wire. Go through the setup routine, ensure that you don't choose any static IP otions and password protect it. Remove the wire.In turn connect by wifi each of your computers using the password you have set up. Have both machines operational and see if you see a recurrence of your problem . Report baqck to this forum with the result.