IP not valid !!!! Laptop is fine IPod and PS4 have no Internet


Nov 26, 2015
i dont know what is going on right now with anything im not the most tech savy but i feel i may have found something
My Ipod touch 5th generation nd my PS4 are connected to my wifi but not to the internet and my laptop will often lose connection or i will have a connected but no internet access
whenever i troubleshoot on my laptop i get a ip does not have a valid configuration when i trouble shoot after i lose access on my laptop it says it fixed the problem and internet return on my laptop but yet still nothing on my ipod or ps4 and i figure this may have something to do with it but i dont know how to fix it i have also restarted my router and modem several times and nothing seems to work and ive had this problem for 3 days i really just want some help
* Static IP Did not help
I'd contact your router manufacturer, or try just connecting straight to your ISP's modem to see if its any better. Can you verify that you're current setup is as follows?

INTERNET <--> ISP modem <--> Home Router (running wifi also) <--> Home network

Linksys Series Router E3200
SpeedStream 5100 Modem
Ok, so its as I had illustrated. The idea of connecting a computer directly to your modem (the SpeedStream 5100) with an ethernet cable is just to test your internet connectivity for a while to rule out your (Linksys) router. I can't say for sure if you'll be able to do this though, as its a DSL, and its possible that your Linksys is negotiating the PPPoE connection with your ISP (whole 'nother topic...). You could try it though.

More importantly, is this ONLY happening to wifi connected devices? Do you have any devices that are wired to your Linksys? If its ONLY wifi devices getting knocked off, you could simply be dealing with something causing interference w/your wifi. Have you installed or added ANY electronics to the house around the time the problem started? Even a wireless soundbar.

no i havent installed anything recently and the only things being knocked off are wifi connected devices my laptop was going through some problems for the first 2 days this started and it hast happend since but my ipod and ps4 are still done i can connect but i have no internet

Tough to say but this certainly sounds like an issue with your Linksys. Could try updating the firmware if there is an update available. Its the easiest thing I can suggest as a starting point.

What would be interesting to know is when your laptop loses internet, see if it can ping its default gateway even. That IP should be your router's IP. If you get response, then your wifi is working and your Linksys is having a problem routing you (or is blocking you) from getting to the web. If you can't even ping that (which I'm guessing you won't) then its a wifi issue. One way or the other, its probably your Linksys...