Well a TN monitor has a quicker response time of 1ms atmost and the hz of a TN can be quicker than an IPS panel.
-A TN panel can support up to 144hz refresh rate whereas a IPS can have 60hz
-higher response time of 1ms and IPS 5ms (not much difference imo)
-with your 780 may be beneficial to see all those frames as you could push higher than 60hz
-great viewing angles, you can see up to 70 degrees without the image warping or changing colour
-better colours and sharper images, looks much better than a TN panel
-Higher brightness or contrast, backlight. so you can see the screen better.
Personally I own an IPS monitor, and to me 5ms is just fine compared to 1ms. The colours are very nice and even though you have a 780 and...