IRQL Less or Equal


Jun 18, 2014

I've bought a new laptop (Lenovo IdeaPad Y410P) and installed windows 8.1. For 2 weeks, there has been no problem whatsoever until recently I've been getting BSOD everytime I tried to play games using my nVidia Graphics Card. The BSOD only appears if I use the nVidia graphics card with the AC power connected to the laptop. It will work fine without AC power but then the graphics performance is worse than the Intergrated HD4600. I've tried sending the laptop to a customer service centre but after 2 weeks, they checked the hardware and claimed that nothing was wrong with them. Any advice?

This is the dump file I got.
IRQL Less or equal BSOD, usally means something isn't right like i used to get it with my old pc because i used 2 different types of ram, so it's something that example should run just as fast but something runs slower than it should (example) Thats what my BSOD was when i had it, Have you tried RMA.