IRQL Not Less or Equal 0x00a code


Mar 27, 2015
I keep seeing this BSOD or IRQL Not less or equal and I already did the sfc/ scannow command. All windows 10 updates in place. Ran Driver booster to check for missing or outdated drivers and everything check out. Windows 10 64 home.

Intel 6700K EVGA 980Ti ASUS ROG Hero VIII 16GB DDR4 Gskill, I really don't know what else to troubleshoot.


Here is the link to the BSOD viewer for more detail
don't delete ntoskrnl.exe, sure I am curious what windows would do but i suspect it would just deny you the fun of doing it or replace it next boot. It stands for NT Operating System Kernal

try running windows memory diagnostics
search cortana for windows Memory and it should be only choice. run it and see if it finds anything.

check event viewer and see if any other errors hiding in there.

check device manager and see if any unknown devices.

Ran memtest 86 for 16 hours, over 8 passes and no errors. Event viewer shows alot of red warning for windows cortana but that is normal since i disbaled cortana permanently.

Just got another BSOD with the exact same info as in the photo above. Not sure what to do but it is very frustrating.