iRST gives useless warnings


Nov 24, 2011
I run 3x mSATA EVO 250GB in RAID0 on my laptop. The laptop and the SSD's are only a few weeks old.

Now since like 2 days, the Intel Rapid Storage Technology software gives me SMART warnings. However, I can just ignore them, and iRST doesn't give me any information about the problem. Other drive check software gives no problems and say all 3 SSD's are working perfectly.

The disk which gets the warning has only 1 deviaton from the other disks
Which is the
Used Reserverd Block Count (Total)
Where the stats are
Current: 100
Threshold: 10
With the warned disk

Current: 100
Worst: 100
Threshold: 10
with the normal disks

I'm not entirely sure what this means. I googled it and it doesn't seem to endanger my SSD. But I still don't like the feeling of the warning in iRST. And I'm not even sure that is the problem that iRST means!

I really don't want to RMA anything, since I found out the RMA takes ages at the company I bought it from, and I have to use the laptop in optimal state by september.

Well, in a RAID0 Array with 2 perfect drives, I can't seem to notice any difference. How would I know? And what can I do about it?

Also, could someone explain what this "Used Reserved Block Count (Total)" means?